Author: sScholars Center

The Brain When in Love

The Brain When in Love

Is there any scientific definition of love? Maybe not. But there is no end to the headache of scientists about love. In Greek mythology, people fall in love only when Cupid strikes someone with his sword. But science says otherwise. Science believes that love is a long-term disorder of Continue Reading »

AutoCAD Software Free Download

AutoCAD Software Free Download

Warning, Before downloading the AutoCad you have to know, “is it safe for use? and how can you do this?”. In this post, we have discussed how you can AutoCAD software for free download. Warning, Before downloading the AutoCad free you have to know, “is it safe for use? Continue Reading »

Young Abraham Lincoln | Biography

Young Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was an American politician and lawyer. He was the 16th President of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865, shortly before the start of the American Civil War. He leads America when it was suffering from moral, cultural, constitutional, and political crises. He succeeded Continue Reading »

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